One of the most important factors of a healthy aquarium is to make sure the fish is healthy before you buy them. It can be as simple as watching fish before they are added to an aquarium.
– If you have sick fish in your tank, don’t add any new fish until cured
– The fatter the fish, the healthier it is
– Pick the fish that always pick a fight with others
– A healthy fish should include the following characteristic:
- arisen fins
- vivid colors
- sharp eyes
- swimming around
- energetically
- curious and react to the surrounding
- always pecking and looking for food
- no sign of visible diseases such as white dots or cloudy eyes
- breathing evenly
- pooing
– Don’t buy fish which
- stay at the bottom or in the corner of the tank
- breathing difficultly
- has a wound
- missing fins
- loses its balance while swimming
- scraping rocks or sand